Manual do usuario de AMusicSoft Conversor de música da Apple

Como usar AMusicSoft Conversor de música da Apple

Parte 1. Baixe, instale e registre-se

Etapa 1. Baixar e instalar AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter

Você pode baixar o pacote de instalação na página do produto ou simplesmente clicando no botão de download fornecido aqui. AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter is supported on Mac and Windows devices currently.

Observação: Se você quiser saber sobre os requisitos do sistema para download AMusicSoft software, you can click Aqui to view the system & hardware requirements for your Windows or Mac.

Passo 2. Compre e registre-se em AMusicSoft

Para comprar AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter's license, you can navigate to the AMusicSoft Loja online. AMusicSoft has three subscription plans for you to buy license codes, including a monthly plan, a yearly plan, and a lifetime license. Choose the plan you need and finish the purchase online.

Apresentação livro AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter after installation, which is integrated with the Apple Music web player. Please make sure you are signed into your Apple Music account using your Apple ID to successfully access your full music library. To activate the converter, just click the "Unactivated" in the right corner, then enter the email address that you used to buy the license and license code in the pop-up free trial window.

Compre e registre-se em AMusicSoft

Parte 2. Como converter música para MP3

Um design de UI simples faz AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter easy to use for everyone. Now you can follow this part to download favorite songs and playlists from Apple Music on your computer.

Passo 1. Escolha músicas para AMusicSoft Conversor de música da Apple

Apresentação livro AMusicSoft. Em sua interface principal, pesquise e selecione as músicas que deseja baixar e converter. Você também pode escolher a música, playlist ou álbum de sua preferência arrastando-os para o botão “+”.

Choose Songs to AMusicSoft Conversor de música da Apple
Etapa 2. Personalize as configurações de saída desejadas

AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter supports common output formats, including MP3, AAC, M4A, AC3, FLAC, and WAV. In the Convert window, you can choose the output format you like, output quality, and more. In Output Setting, you can also choose the output path for converted files.

Personalize as configurações de saída desejadas
Etapa 3. Comece a converter músicas da Apple Music para MP3

Finally, directly click the "Convert" icon, and the selected songs will be converted to MP3 and other select output formats immediately. AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter also supports batch conversion, and you can check the "Title" box, then click the "Convert All" icon.

Start to Convert Apple Music Songs to MP3
Etapa 4. Visualize o resultado convertido

Once the conversion is done, you can check the converted music files by clicking the "Finished" tab. Click the "View Output File", and you will go to the folder that you set in the previous step. Now you can browse all the downloaded Apple Music tracks.

Veja o resultado convertido

Parte 3. Hot Topics about Apple Music

As the most popular music streaming service in the world, Apple Music also integrates with many other media or social services to provide a greater music experience for users. To learn more about the hot topics about Apple Music and other media services, you can refer to the posts below.