1. الوصول إلى الخدمات

AMusicSoft hereby requests that you accept these terms of service. You may use the services provided through the website only on the condition that you accept all of the terms and conditions contained herein. Using the services provided through the website indicates that you accept these terms of service. If you do not accept these terms of service, do not use all the services on this website.

2. استخدام AMUSICSOFT البرمجيات

يخضع استخدام البرنامج لشروط وأحكام اتفاقية الترخيص المضمنة في البرنامج ، ويجب عليك قراءتها وقبولها قبل استخدامها AMusicSoft البرمجيات. يحظر سلوك أي مستخدم لا يتوافق مع اتفاقية الترخيص.

AMusicSoft products are designed to help people use their fair rights to the media content they purchase for entertainment. For example, remove DRM from iTunes-purchased music/videos for playing on other non-supported devices. In most counties, the copyright law allows the original purchaser to make a copy of their legal purchase for personal use. But, this law doesn't apply to any country. So, each user should comply with the local copyright law, and use AMusicSoft وفقًا لذلك وبشكل قانوني.

3. التسجيل والأمن

As part of the registration or account creation process, you will create login credentials by selecting a password and providing an e-mail address. You also can be requested to provide certain registration information, which must be accurate and updated.

Each registration is for a single user only. You are not allowed to share your registration login credentials or give your login credentials to anyone else. We may cancel or suspend your access to the Services if you share your login credentials. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, which you will not have to reveal to any representative or agent of AMusicSoft. You may not: (1) select or use the login credentials of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; (2) use login credentials in which another person has rights without such person's authorization; or (3) use login credentials that we, in our sole discretion, deem offensive. Failure to comply with these requirements will constitute a breach of these Terms of Service, which may result in immediate suspense or termination of your account.

You consent to receive notifications from us electronically to the e-mail address you provide to us. You agree that all notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. You agree that you have the ability to store such electronic communications such that they remain accessible to you in an unchanged form.

Please notify us at الدعم @amusicsoftكوم of any known or suspected unauthorized use(s) of your account, or any known or suspected breach of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of your password or credit card information.

We cannot and do not guarantee that any of the Services will be free from viruses or other code that may have contaminating or destructive elements. It is your responsibility to implement appropriate IT security safeguards (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements as to the safety and reliability of the Services.

4. الرسوم والمدفوعات

We reserve the right at any time to charge fees for feature updating to portions of the Services or the Services as a whole. In no event, however, will you be charged for the services unless we obtain your prior agreement to pay such charges. Thus, if at any time we require a fee for portions of the Services that are now free, we will give you advance notice of such fees. You may cancel your account at any time.

All new fees, if any, will be posted prominently on the Site and in other appropriate locations on the Service. You must pay all fees and charges incurred through your account at the rates in effect for the billing period in which such fees and charges are incurred, including, but not limited to charges for any digital products or services offered for sale through the Services by us or by any other vendor or service provider. All fees and charges will be billed to and paid for by you. You shall pay all applicable taxes relating to use of the Services through your account.

5. للملكية الفكرية

Copyright, trademark, and all other proprietary rights in the Website, AMusicSoft, Services, and Content (including but not limited to logos, software, services, audio, video, text, and photographs, but excluding User Content) rest with AMusicSoft and/or its licensors. Except as expressly permitted herein, using, copying, transmitting, displaying, modifying, or distributing in any form or by any means without the express written permission of AMusicSoft is prohibited and may violate copyright, trademark, privacy, or other laws. Without prior permission of AMusicSoft, any commercial purpose use of the content on the site by any person by any means is never allowed.

AMusicSoft hereby disclaims any rights to trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyright, patents, domain names, or other intellectual property interests of third parties, all intellectual property interests of third parties referenced herein, including without limitation Third Party Material or otherwise provided on this Website are the properties of their respective owners. AMusicSoft disclaims any proprietary interests in intellectual property rights other than their own.


AMusicSoft respects the intellectual property rights of others and requests you to do the same. AMusicSoft does not permit infringement of intellectual property rights on its platform, and will promptly suspend commercial content (served via a publicly available web address / URL) from being able to be converted and downloaded by its platform when kindly notified.

7. العلامات التجارية

يجب حماية جميع المنتجات والشعارات وتقنيات التخمير المنزلي والصور والرسومات والخدمات الموجودة على هذا الموقع الإلكتروني بموجب قانون حقوق النشر. AMusicSoft تمتلك جميع حقوق النشر ما لم ينص على خلاف ذلك. بدون إذن مسبق من AMusicSoft، لا يُسمح مطلقًا بأي استخدام للمحتوى الموجود على الموقع لأغراض تجارية من قبل أي شخص بأي وسيلة.

8. التعويض

أنت توافق على الدفاع والتعويض والاحتجاز AMusicSoftوالشركات التابعة لها ومسؤوليها ومديريها ووكلائها وموظفيها غير المؤذيين من وضد أي وجميع المطالبات والخسائر والأضرار والمسؤوليات والتكاليف والنفقات بما في ذلك أتعاب المحاماة الناشئة عن أو المتعلقة بمحتوى المستخدم الخاص بك ، واستخدام الموقع ، أو انتهاك أي من هذه الشروط.


أنت تقر وتوافق على ذلك AMusicSoftكوم is not responsible for any links to third-party websites posted on this website. If you have problems with external sites, you should contact their administration. We are not responsible for the content of third-party websites and their terms and conditions either.

10. ردود الفعل

أي تعليقات أو مواد أرسلت إلى AMusicSoft, including but not limited to feedback, such as questions, comments, suggestions, or any related information about the Software, the Site, or any other products, programs or services of AMusicSoft (“Feedback”) shall be deemed non-confidential. AMusicSoft assumes no obligation with respect to such Feedback, and is free to reproduce, use, disclose, display, display, transform, create derivative works from, and distribute Feedback to others without restriction, and is free to use any ideas contained in such Feedback The concepts, know-how or techniques incorporated are used for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such feedback.

11. الخصوصية

AMusicSoft Software reserves the right to use your personal information for statistics and data analysis. You can read more about our privacy policy in the سياسة الخصوصية قسم من هذا الموقع.

Software Improvement Program

AMusicSoft تلتزم بالمساعدة في حماية خصوصيتك في جميع الأوقات باستثناء ما هو منصوص عليه خلاف ذلك في هذه الاتفاقية. يشرح هذا البيان عملية جمع البيانات المجهولة وممارسات الاستخدام لبرنامج تحسين البرامج الخاص بـ AMusicSoft.

من أجل توفير وتحسين البرنامج وميزاته وتجربة المستخدم، سنقوم تلقائيًا بجمع وصيانة معلومات العملية والاستخدام المتعلقة بالطريقة التي تعمل بها الوحدات والوظائف المختلفة AMusicSoft يتم استخدام البرمجيات. يتم أيضًا جمع المعلومات بشكل مجهول بغرض التحليل الإحصائي لاستخدام البرامج.

لن نستخدم هذه المعلومات إلا بغرض تزويد المستخدمين النهائيين بأفضل تجربة برمجية ممكنة. لن يتم الكشف عن البيانات المجمعة أو مشاركتها أو بيعها أو المتاجرة بها أو تأجيرها لأي طرف ثالث لأغراض تسويقية.

12. جهات الاتصال

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us: الدعم @amusicsoftكوم.