Why Does Spotify Keep Pausing and How to Resolve It

Written By Robert Fabry Last updated: January 4, 2024

Spotify is considered to be one of the most popular music streaming services there is in the market because of the wide collection of music that it offers to its customers. Aside from that, this music platform is known to be user-friendly and almost accessible to any device such as smartphones, tablets, computers, smart speakers, etc. However, even the app seems perfect, there are still instances that you have to deal with some issues.

One of the common problems that I noticed from various Spotify user online is why does Spotify keep pausing. So, because of that, I decided to make some research and write a post about it to help users like you, who also experienced the same thing, fix this kind of issue in streaming Spotify and let you enjoy listening to your favorite Spotify songs without any interruptions.

In this article, we will be going to talk about common reasons why does Spotify keep pausing all of a sudden, why apps can cause Spotify to stop playing, why it stops streaming when your device is on lock, and solutions that you can apply to solve these problems. So, if you are ready to learn all about it, then what are we waiting for let’s begin!

Contents Guide Part 1. Why Does Spotify Stop Playing All of a Sudden?Part 2. How Do You Stop Spotify from Pausing?Part 3. How to Enjoy Songs When Spotify Keep Pausing?

Part 1. Why Does Spotify Stop Playing All of a Sudden?

Why Does Spotify Keep Pausing

So, what are the reasons for this problem? After doing some of the research, I come up with these common causes why does Spotify keep pausing. I listed them in bullet form and simplified them so they will be easy for you to understand. (Note: the solutions will be further discussed in the next section including the details)

  • One reason could be is if you log in similar Spotify account on different devices.
  • Another is if you have an unstable internet connection, of course, this will cause pauses whenever you stream music on Spotify.
  • Turning on your data restriction mode or battery save mode can also be the reason why your Spotify keeps on stopping or pausing.
  • Other apps can also interfere with Spotify if they are running in the background.
  • Perhaps your device already has excessive cache or temp files which can also result in Spotify keep pausing that needs to be removed.

Why Does Spotify Keep Pausing When I Open An App?

Some apps, similar to what I mentioned a while ago, can affect the performance of Spotify when running in the background and might cause pauses while streaming. You can try to troubleshoot it by following the steps that I provided below:

  • Reinstall the Spotify app that is available on your device.
  • See to it that you allow and set Spotify all permissions on the device that you are using.
  • Ensure your data saving mode of any apps on your devices is switch-off or disabled.

Why Does Spotify Keep Pausing When Screen Locks on iPhone?

The same thing with the above-mentioned reasons, it could be because of the apps that are running in the background that can interfere with Spotify, many excessive caches need to be removed on your device, and maybe your internet connection suddenly becomes unstable while on the screen lock.

So as a quick fix, try to close all of your apps and try to re-launch your Spotify app. Make sure you check if you have a stable or strong network or WiFi connection and also consider refreshing or clearing your device’s RAM.

Part 2. How Do You Stop Spotify from Pausing?

After learning the possible reasons why does Spotify keep pausing, we will now talk about some of the methods that you can use to prevent this issue from happening, of course, we want you to have to best Spotify listening experience. So, as your guide, here is the list of possible fixes to solve this problem.

1. Switch-off your device’s Low Power Mode

Mobile phones have this low power mode feature that enables the battery to stay longer. It can save the life of the battery by reducing the background activities of the device which could also affect the streaming capacity of your Spotify. So, make sure that you turn off the Low Power Mode of your device.

2. Switch-off your Spotify’s Data Saver Mode

The Data Saver mode of your Spotify can also interfere with your streaming quality and can cause pauses while you are listening because it minimizes the amount of data being consumed whenever you are using cellular data.

3. Try to Restart Your Device

If the above fixes didn’t work then you can try to restart your device which is considered to be one of the easiest ways to solve this problem. In this way, it will refresh the memory of your phone. But, of course, it is still more effective if you turn off your device for a minimum of 15 seconds before opening your device.

4. Keep Updating Your Device

Sometimes Spotify doesn’t function well if your device’s OS is not updated so, consider updating it also to resolve this issue.

5. Sign Out your Spotify Account Everywhere

There are several feedbacks from Spotify users that logging out of their account on different devices and signing in again can help to solve pausing in Spotify

6. Ensure the Stability of your Internet connection

Perhaps another reason why Spotify keep pausing is that you don’t have a stable internet connection. Streaming requires you to have a certain internet speed to maintain the quality of the music you are listening to in Spotify. If your connection didn’t meet the needed speed, then this may result in pausing as you stream in Spotify.

7. Check the Devices connected to your Phone or Computer via Bluetooth

Sometimes other devices such as earphones, headsets, or speakers can also interfere with Spotify. For instance, when you are using AirPods, most of its users know that it has this feature that whenever you removed it from the ear, the song will automatically pause, so better to check the devices that are connected to your phone or computer.

8. Try to reinstall your Spotify App

When you still encounter pauses while streaming Spotify, then the next solution you can try is to reinstall your Spotify app on your device. By doing so, it allows the previous traces of your app which can cause your Spotify from pausing will be removed or deleted.

If you already tried the above-mentioned fixed but still don’t work, don’t worry because we got you covered, there is another method that you can do to experience pause-free Spotify which we will discuss further in the next part of this post so just keep on reading.

Reinstall Spotify App to Stop Spotify from Pausing

Part 3. How to Enjoy Songs When Spotify Keep Pausing?

I know it’s kind of frustrating if your Spotify still keeps pausing whenever you use it, but don’t worry because I’ll tell you another method that you can do so that you can fully enjoy listening to your Spotify music. For you to not experience this issue, you have the option to download your Spotify music tracks using a professional tool called AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter which I really do recommend.

Free Download Free Download

AMusicSoft is software that can download any songs that you like on Spotify. Aside from that, it also converters the songs that you selected to any format that is compatible on your device like as WAV, MP3, FLAC, etc., as well as it removes the DRM protection of each track that means you can really access it on your device because it is no longer restricted.

Moreover, this software is also known for its conversion speed of x5 without affecting the quality of the songs. Plus, it will keep your converted tracks organized because it maintains the ID3 tag and metadata of each music track. Also, don’t worry if it is your first time using this program because it is designed to be user-friendly for everyone.

So, if you are curious and want to experience this wonderful tool, then just simply visit their official website to download its installer that is available for both Mac and Windows. You can also learn more about AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter and its uses when you go to their online site.

In a nutshell, I hope that by applying and following the above-mentioned fixes, you finally resolved the issue of why does Spotify keep pausing, so that your Spotify listening experience won’t get interrupted anymore. Moreover, you also discovered a professional tool that you can use as an alternative solution which is the AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter. This tool has many purposes, for example, downloading your favorite songs on Spotify and making it DRM-free so that you can use it too on other devices.

I guess that’s everything that you need to know, see you around in my other post. Have fun and enjoy playing and listening to your favorite music tracks on Spotify.

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